My tired brain
Tries to focus
On the task
At hand.
As my fingers
Keep on missing
Their proper keys
To type.
One huge dyslexic
To decode
And unscramble.
Do I
Move the mouse
Over this mess
And delete it?
Save it
For a later time?
By attempting
To apply
Some sense of order
To brain-fogged creation
Of mine.
As I hear
My pillows calling
Like the Siren
Of Greek mythology
To my bed.
Shall I surrender
Any hope
Of a night's rest
Is gone
For tonight.
Cursing me
To another night
Of a brain
In overdrive.
Therisa © 2016
Author's note: As a child, I've experienced, a chronic problem, of falling to sleep, which has worsen, over the years, with the PTSD flashbacks, and 3 feline companions, who want my love and attention, at the oddest hours. A good night's sleep, means 6-7 hours of uninterrupted rest, if I'm lucky.
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