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Someone pinch me
To wake me up
Telling me
It isn't a dream
I am having.
Too many times
In the past
(Six previous denials)
We have reached
This point.
To have
The rug pulled out
From us.
As if
Transgender rights
Doesn't matter
In a societal
And legal sense
In Canada.
Pardon me
As I wipe away
Tears of joy
And hope
For Bill C-16.
What's written
On paper
Won't change
One needs
A starting point
For real change
To occur.
Bill C-16
Is it.
Therisa © 2016
Author's note: Today (May 17, 2016), Canada's federal government has proposed constitutional change that would protect a transperson, under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Choosing today, as it's International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, for the announcement. The following link, is the announcement, of this proposed federal legislation:
My biggest fear is, these changes are cosmetic, only, and don't have any real bite, to them, in protecting people, like myself. Much, like the old Soviet Union's constitution, great on ideals, but pitiful, on implementation.
I admire the strength in your verse Therisa :)
Beautifully expressed.
Lots of love,
The battle for trans rights is a long and bitter one. I have a cousin who is trans and I know it's been a long struggle. May the struggle to be regarded as a human be over soon. Much love and respect, Moskowitz
I think you have to start with the laws... Actually the laws do affect norms, and in turn attitudes... I have seen it work...
And I certainly hope it is. We have a firestorm of junk going on with transgender and public restroom issues. I shake my and mutter at the ignorance and meanness and pray for change. hang in there. Take care.
'A starting point to real change' it is... And your poem a contribution to that too ,dear Therisa. With Best Wishes Scott www.scotthastie.com
Wish, I shared your optimism, Bjorn, but history has shown hate can't be legislated out of our lives.
Thank you, Sanaa. My heart needs to hear that this wish is reality and not just words, uttered, cynically, to get votes.
With too many innocent victims, Buddah. May your cousin never have to experience hate, in any forms. know, it's a dream, but I wish the best, for your cousin.
I have high hopes that its the start ~ And may it be a positive change to all of us ~
Cheers and wishing you a happy spring season ~
Hoping and wishing. All my best.
Thank you, Grace, for all of your positive words.
Thank you, Ayala, and as, all of Canada's trans-communities.
All things have to start somewhere. Beginnings are good, they speak of progress. I remember when we, in the USA, started getting our heads out of our behinds and began to see that everyone should (must) have the right to marry whoever they want. It took a long time to get to NYC... then, BOOM! Happy weddings everywhere.
Stupidity, ignorance and straight up lack of heart take time to be banished, but they will be banished. That I believe.
Thank you, Magaly, for your faith and words of encouragement.
"One needs a starting point" ... Exactly.
Thanks, Lillian. Do hope, this time, the Senate doesn't defeat this bill, by watering it, with transphobic amendments, like the previous bill, by the Conservative Senators.
I agree. Attitudes come from a much deeper place. This is a beginning and hopefully things will grow from there in a positive direction. It is possible!
Hope so, Mishunderstood. Been enough bashing, from Ottawa.
Sadly.. people are afraid of different..
glAdly.. not all people but some..
And that is a pArt of human nature..
dARk and what can bE liGht..
and that's why we have
laws to
the different
among us as
yes.. attitudes
do go DNA
as far
as human
inclinations go
unfettered now.. by
laws that do protect..:)
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