Warning: Some of the content expressed in this poem, may offend or trigger some readers.
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CBC.ca |
My soul is divided
As the Royal Canadian Mint
Issues a new $1 coin
On April 23, 2019.
Marking 50 years
Of discrimination
For most sodomy laws
In Canada.1
Ruled unconstitutional
By various Canadian courts
During the 1990s.
It’s remains illegal
For gay and transgender minors
(Until the age of 18 years)
For anal sex.
Heterosexual partners
For vaginal sex (age of 16.)
As Canada hasn’t repeal
Section 159
Of its Criminal Code
Which covers this.2
Police continue
Using this loophole
In their targeting
The LGBTQ+ community
On morality charges.3
Like Toronto’s bathhouse raids
Of February 1981
Code name: Operation Soap
Laying 391 charges
Most dismissed later.4
Toronto’s first Pride Parade
In June 1981.
Even now
Toronto Police Services
Are targeting gay men
In public areas.5
We’re making
Painfully slow progress.
Various levels of government
And organizations
Make public apologies
For their discriminatory actions
Against the LGBTQ+ communities.
Like the 2017 federal government
Apology and compensation
To federal civil servants
And military members.
Who were purged
Or had careers sidetracked
Due to sexuality/gender orientation
From 1955-1996.6
Another milestone
Is Toronto Police Chief
Mark Saunders apologizing
On June 22, 2016
For the 1981 Bathhouse raids
As Chief Saunders spoke
Of lessons learned
In dealing with
A marginalized
And racialized community
Like the LGBTQ+.7
Those lessons
And the Willy Pickton recommendations (2007)
Were never applied.
Like having
A dedicated missing person unit
Which Toronto doesn’t have
Investigating decades old
Unsolved missing person cases
In the city’s Gay Village.8
As Bruce McArthur
Had targeted 8 gay men
From 2010-18.
When arrested
By Toronto Police
Had his ninth victim
(Most victims were Asian
Or Middle Eastern origin.)9
From this horrific
And traumatic event
Maybe just maybe
The seeds of healing
Have been planted.
One can
Only hope so.
Am surprised
As I researched this
The acronym - LGBT
Is an evolving creation
From the 1980s.10
I’m not surprised
Deeply fractured nature
Given the historical hostilities
Among the various groups.
From Gay/Lesbian communities
Towards Bisexual/Transgender people.
As for
Same word.inscribed
On the coin
In English and French.
Is a long way off
From becoming a reality
In Canada.
As we stumble
With baby steps
In acceptance and inclusion
Within and outside
Canada’s LGBTQ+ communities.
Therisa © 2019
Author's note: I started writing this op-ed poem, on Thursday, April 25, 2019. After a random
checking up, on the new $1 coin, from the Royal Canadian Mint, marking 50 years since
the decriminalizing most of Canada’s Sodomy laws. The deeper that I dig into this issue, I
find myself, growing increasingly angier, with the public lie, which then Justice Minister
Pierre E. Trudeau, committed on Canada’s Gay community, in 1969. As police forces,
across Canada, continue to target and harass this minority.
In the past 2 decades, no federal government has paid more than lip service, in the
outright abolishment of section 159 of Canada Legal Code, which punished those
convicted of anal intercourse, with a 10 year jail sentence. Even though, several
provincial and federal courts have ruled, during the 1990s, this section is unconstitutional.
In the past 3 years, the Liberal party, under Justin Trudeau (son of Pierre E. Trudeau),
has announced several bills that have died, during first reading. Not surprising, given the
conservative nature of most Canadians, towards the LGBTQ+ community, as a whole.
Seriously, if I was a cynical person, I would say that this commeditative coin, is a crash
political move to shore up, its political base, against the Conservative Party of Canada
(CPC), in the coming federal election, later this year. Beyond the passage of hate laws protection for the transgender community, Trudeau has don’t little to win the support of LGBTQ+ Canadians.
As for the CPC, I fear their repealing of these hard earned rights for the LGBTQ+
community. Placing us, into the dark ages of the 1950s and 1960, where it was
basically illegal to be a LGBTQ+ person. In following the footsteps of the American
Republican party, with their staunch anti-LGBTQ+ philosophy. As witnessed by the
members' philosophical views of the governing political conservative parties, in the
province of Alberta and Ontario.
community. Placing us, into the dark ages of the 1950s and 1960, where it was
basically illegal to be a LGBTQ+ person. In following the footsteps of the American
Republican party, with their staunch anti-LGBTQ+ philosophy. As witnessed by the
members' philosophical views of the governing political conservative parties, in the
province of Alberta and Ontario.
Honestly, I would have preferred the coin, be dedicated to the 50 years of the MLB,
in Canada, which began with the Montreal Expos, playing in Jerry Field, in 1969. Before
they were relocated to Washington, DC., but the dream continued with Toronto Blue Jays.
Currently, sitting a game below .500 in the American League East.
in Canada, which began with the Montreal Expos, playing in Jerry Field, in 1969. Before
they were relocated to Washington, DC., but the dream continued with Toronto Blue Jays.
Currently, sitting a game below .500 in the American League East.
I wonder so much why you have to write laws like that... to me the obsession of what other's are doing is never going to solve anything.
That said anything that hurt another human being shall always be condemned and punished... it's actually simple.
I appreciate the time you took to research and write your op-ed. Are you planning on submitting it to printed media to get the word out there? It is discouraging to hear about this going on in Canada, as I like to look to Canada as being inclusive and accepting of all humans without judgement and hateful discriminatory legislation.
Jade Li @ http://tao-talk.com
Much more than a poem. Your words “fractured world” strike a chord. They identify “us vs them” thinking....the creation and construction of a population called “other” which marginalizes some and gives a soapbox to the loudest who rise up the crowd and motivate “group think.”
I prefer the concept “all God’s children” although I am not a particularly religious person.
Thank you, Lillian, for your insightful comments. For too long, this ignorance based hate, has divided nations. Especially, as I look southward, to the United States, and the rhetoric that is flowing there. Regardless, of our religious believes, we share the same desire to live life, in peace and love.
Wow, I bow to such scholarship, dedication, and passion. I was a professional actor for a decade, and learned to understand my LBGT compeers, just as I broadened my horizons on civil rights after the 60's .
Thanks for the additional information. I thought we as a country has done a lot already but it looks like more actions are needed.
Not long ago, I went to watch a movie in a genre that seemed to be reserved for men for a very long time. In said movie, they showed a scene where (for a few seconds) all the women kicked ass. I swear that I got looks from male movie watchers, that said, "Wasn't that great? Woman power!" To wish I responded with my a mild look of deepest disgust.
After the movie, I tried to explain that the "gesture" held little meaning. It wasn't real. It had no foundation (it didn't even fit the storyline). It was a stunt. It was marketing. And that is almost more infuriating than being ignored.
I wonder if equality will ever be truly equal for everyone.
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