Monday, 23 July 2018

Brutal Reminder (July 23, 2018)

What madness
Possesses a person
To murder others?

Toronto is asking
After deadly night
In Canada's largest city.

Witnessing two victims
And shooter dead
From bullet wounds.

Additional grief
Twelve other victims
Scattered across
Numerous Toronto hospitals.

Has reason and logic fled?

Leaving us
Citizens of Toronto
Nothing more
Than killing brutes
With nihilistic tendency?

First thought is
Violence against those
Perceived to anger us
With real or imagined slight?

Turning upon ourselves
Like a rabid animal
That needs to be put down
For society's safety.

Have we desensitized
Regarding violence
Through video games
And other mass entertainment?

To these questions
I've no ready answers
Other than
Shedding sorrowful tears.

I wasn't writing this
Or reading eyewitnesses’ accounts
Of last night tragedy.

As Toronto grieves
A community
Over this horror.

Therisa © 2018

Author’s note: Sunday, July 22, 2018, Toronto was brutally remained for the second time this year, that violence we associate with other parts of the world, can happen here. This is a safe area that I have travelled many times on transit, whether it’s the subway, streetcars or transit buses. Below are links about this tragedy:


kaykuala said...

Regarding violence
Through video games
And other mass entertainment?

The prevalence of such a scenario certainly made them less sensitive to violence. To them these were but a game to enjoy!
Thoughtful take Therisa!


Therisa's World said...

Sadly, Hank, entertainment comes with too heavy of a price tag, that society must pay.

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