Saturday, 28 July 2018

Political Convenience (July 27, 2018)

Hearing the phrase
A bundle of contradictions
My mind wanders
To a darker time.

When medical
And experimental research
Justified excuses
For barbaric torture
Those deemed

Satisfying the curiosity
Of Nazi researchers
And scientists.

Rightly so
Victorious Allied forces
Condemned Nazi’s austerities
Against Jewish communities
And other ethnic minorities.

Deadly silent
About LGBTQ+ inmates.

LGBTQ+ were
Lowest of the low
In Nazi’s concentration camps
Among guards and inmates.**

Often forced
Enduring years longer
After liberation
In prison.***

A history
Deliberately ignored.

Only LGBTQ+ information table
And campus posters
Educated me
During university years (1990-4).

Openly embraced
These monsters’ research
During the Cold War
With the Soviet Union
And its allies.

As the building blocks
For jet plane and space programs
We take for granted

Therisa © 2018

Author's note:: A poem for Poets United’s midweek motif writing prompt: "a bundle of contradictions" or Anne Frank's last letter.

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