Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Emotional Blues (August 26, 2018)

Damn it
There are times
Hate being emotional.

Sitting here
Fighting back tears
Streaking my face.

Knew-before HRT
This would happen
Amplified expodently
By mental illness.


Young child
You told me:

“Suck it
Act like a man.”

Have tried

Almost killed me
Being your stoic son
Bottling the pain
Deep inside
Hiding suicide attempts.

Twenty years later
Since your death
Still conflicted.

Like you stole
Emotional support
I needed.

Therisa © 2018

Another Sleepless Night (August 26, 2018)

It's 2:20 am
Sunday morning
Brain stuck
Operating overdrive.

Unable to disengage
Joining body
Badly needed rest
It screams for.

Sleep deficit mounts
Each passing second
Am awake.

Sleep hygiene
Distance rumour
Among synapses
Exchanging current.

Adamantly refuse
Adding another drug
In medicated body.

Have enough
Own unique way
Screwing things up.

Without adding
Any possible fear
Of an addiction
On top of this.

Thank you
Very much.


Therisa © 2018

Author’s note: Finally, fell back asleep around 6 am, after a 4 hour interruption.

Taste Of His Own Medicine (August 25, 2018)


Donald Trump
Blocked tweeting/speaking
Trademark lies.

Locked away
Crimes against humanity
Without pardon/parole.

Deep within
Fort Leavenworth’s
Darkest and smallest
Prison cell.

Some say
Removing these privileges
Punishment enough.

Opportunist-like he
Plays on sentimentality
Using our guilt
Weapon against us.

Best off
Only audience
Rotating MP guards
Segregation cell checks
Meal deliveries
And exercise period.

Rather fitting
Given Zero Tolerance
To Latin American migrants
At U.S. southern borders
With the cramped quarters.

Enjoy your stay
Mr Trump
Know-I will.

Therisa © 2018

Author's note: I finished writing this, news of Senator John McCain’s death spreads. Leaving one less principle defender of the American people against President Trump. Written for Poets United’s midweek motif writing prompt: what if....

Saturday, 25 August 2018

What If, It's Real? (August 25, 2018)

Poisonous game
Second guessing
Every decision.

This right?

Reality unfolding
Nuanced ways
Dogma prioritized
Organize mobs.

Frustration and angry
Votes casted
AWOL system
Ignoring voters’ needs.

Switching elitist groups
For another.

Long dormant hopes
In protest.

Delicate flower flourishing
Ever so briefly
In strong winds:

Obama presidency.

Reoccurring nightmare
Haunting America

New opportunity
Experiencing the dream.

Therisa © 2018

Author’s note: In this coming US midterm elections, more women are running for
political office, as members of council, mayors, state legislature, and state governors.
And federally, for the House of Representatives and Senate.

Written for Poets United’s midweek motif writing prompt: what if....

Skin Deep (August 24, 2018)

Single lit candle
Bedroom window
Burns brightly.

Constant reminder
Hidden shameful pain
Soul destroying-effortlessly.

Despite outreach
Stigmatization exist
Ignorance based fear
Closing within.

Questioning gender
Moral character
Interacting with you.

Superficial facades
Appearance-only concern
Need happy-happy face
Avoiding unwanted attention.

Never reaches eyes
Dark polarized glasses
Perfect hide-all
No one asks.

Pressure mounts
Cataclysmic eruption
New reality
Question of time:

When and how
Volcanic explosion occurs
Claiming me.

Walk away-repeating process
‘Til no more pain.

Therisa © 2018

Author's note: A blending of fiction and personal experiences, in dealing with depression.

Accepting Reality (August 23, 2018)

You demand
I surrender
To your Truth.

Diametrically opposing
Personal/political values.

Antithetical heretic
Condemned sinner.

Sight-dogmatically blinded
Eyes-Heavens above
Walking-feet affixed
Mortal plane.

What if
You're wrong
In male-centric
Orientated world?

Male enforce
Nigh death-then life
Forgotten life's passion.

Rejecting change
Slipping reality grasp
Corruption institutized.

Paradigm shift
Only solution.

Therisa © 2018

Author’s note: This is my 3000th written poem. Written for Poets United’s midweek motif writing prompt: what if....

New Pages (August 17, 2018)

Dear Diary;

I've found it
Perfect place
And other nice things.

Where freedom
Isn't a word
Inside dictionary.

And nurtured.

Real place
Dream and explore
Soul’s desire.

Step aside
If only
For brief moments
Life's hardships.

Within these walls
Sanctuary exist
Without being told.

Awe-filling empowerment
Small rural child
Awakening self-knowledge
And understanding.

Young fingers
Reverently touch
Shelved library books.

Therisa © 2018

Author’s note: It took 2 days of off and on searching to find the correct spelling of Moxy Fruvous, to find this video that I remembered listening to on CBC Radio, while at university.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Ghost (August 14, 2018)

Directionless flotsam
Casted adrift.

Up from down
In murky water.

To reach out
Trust-overrated word.

Soulscape covered
2nd and 3rd ° burns
Previous opening failures.

So tired
Want to curl up

Faceless void
Silent and emotionless
Without a trace.

Tell unresponsive
And uncaring world
F--k off.

Micro-shoulder shrug
Only detectable
By seismographic machines.


Limping away
Seeking dying place
For physical state
Match psychic.

Therisa © 2018

Author's note:  Just how I'm feeling today (August 14, 2018). Not suicidal, but deeply depressed.

Different Faces Of Symbolism (August 13, 2018)

Visible hate object
Modern disease
In tribal hierarchy
Called nationalism.

As if
Draping flag
Buys dispensation
For murder genocide
And other crimes.

Territorially marking
Claimed land
By sewn cloth-ribbons.

Unlike animals
Using urine
Or musk glands.


Extended families staring
Ruined village
Blank eyes seeing
Yet not.

Stunned survivors
Search rumble
For memories
From destroyed past.

Dead become martyrs
Teaching another generation

Sighing sadly.

Citizenship ceremony
Long journey end
For refugees and immigrants
To new land.

Opportunity-fresh starts awaiting
Building on hope and faith
Leaving troubles behind
Of a brighter future
And prosperity.

Waving paper flags
New citizens blinded
Exploding camera flashes
Broad grins
Family and friends.


Mourners gather
Round grieving family
Openly weeping
Closed draped casket.

Hidden war casualty
PTSD suicide
Daemons won
Total system failure.

Honour guards
Rifles ready
Volleys fired
Slain soldier memory.

Commanding officer
Hands folded flag
With crisp salute
To family.

Therisa © 2018

Author's note: This is my third attempt at writing this poem. Abandoning earlier versions,
as being too much male bashing and hateful for what I wanted.

And yes, there is only one poem, this week.

Written for Poets United’s midweek motif writing prompt: national flag(s).

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