Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Toronto: A City Transitioning (July 7, 2018)

The 2018 calendar pages
Half turned over
Sidewalks pool
Sticky drying puddles
Of victims’ blood
And ejected shell casings.

Newspaper headlines scream
Extra large bold font
Summer of the gun: redux
Article follows below
On front page splash story.

Large photo
Area roped off
By yellow crime tape
Dominates front page.

Police frustrated
Hands tied
Walls of silence
From witnesses found.

Long complex history tainted
By racial profiling and mistrust.

Nearby police chief laments
Provincial guideline
Curtailing carding usage
To control gun violence
As victims grow
In local hospitals and morgues.

Never mind
Carding is racially profiling
Visible minorities
Slightest infraction ticketed
Under heighten attention.

Bloody Canada Day
Long weekend
11 more bodies
On victims list.

Some avoided
All expense prepaid trip
To local morgue.

Death toll
Now 25 people
With a spent bullet.

Mayor boasts
Last year's hiring
200 new police officers.

To remove these thugs
From the community.

Quick short term solution
Mayor’s tough on crime creds

Avoiding political crisis
Of Canada's economic divide
Unsalvageable communities
By ruling elite
On racial grounds.

Requiring strong political will
All levels of government
Spending long term money
Immediate rewards-years away.

Beyond grateful community
Someone heard
Its desperate pleads.

Constructing accessible institutions
With outreach programs
Deny to these children
Removing language
And cultural barriers.

Building respect and identity
Silencing the siren call
Of local gangs.

A city awashed
Sea of illegal guns
Local and other sources.

Idolizing Gangsta rappers
Where one's manhood
Measured by a gun.

Bullets replace words
In disagreements
Once settled
By fists and knives.

In a system
Long discriminatory
Hollow promises made
Rarely fulfill.

Only noticed
When violence spoils
Into affluent areas.

Therisa © 2018

Author’s note:  Written for this week’s Poets United midweek motif word prompt: city.

Over the Canada Day long weekend, Toronto witnessed one of its worse weekends for gun violence that spinned overall the city. Sadly, the gun violence has crossed regional borders into Peel and York counties. While the politicians and local police forces talk tough, there is no quick and easy solution to epidemic that infecting Canadian municipalities. Other than long term capital investments into the communities that’s generating this ongoing horror. Sorry politicians, no photo-ops for you, on this one.

I know the numbers have changed, since I have written this, but I have decided to go with the numbers that I had, when I finished this poem.


Sumana Roy said...

OMG...There's gun violence in Canada? "Living / In a system / Long discriminatory / Hollow promises made / Rarely fulfill." This is definitely the reason behind all this. Sigh.

Gillena Cox said...

Yes indeed; beside the lovely tourist brochures, cities do carry sad real life dramas, like the ones you've highlighted today

much love...

Therisa's World said...

Yes, Sumana. Toronto is like any other city around the world. This year is worse than others.

Therisa's World said...

Thank you, Gillena. No place is safe from the expressing of anger and frustration, like this.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

It used to be rare, instances of gun violence. Sadly, we are watching a disintegration of life, if not as bad as in the USA, still far from our Canadian values. You have written this well, Therisa.

Therisa's World said...

Sigh. It's a matter of time, before this cultural influence moved across the border into Canada.

Sherry, I owe you an apology for using a Trump reference in one of my posted poems here.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Violence is on the rise in the UK too, specifically England (I think).
Your words sadly portray the downward spiral of mankind, and sadly it is generally men who resort to knife and gun.
I fear for the future of our species...
Anna :o]

Therisa's World said...

Sadly, Anna, there's talk of reviving all of the negative things that created the divide between the police and the various ethnic groups, in Toronto.

In calling myself, a pessimistic optimist, I think humanity will find a way to muddle its way through this. That or find a new way to harm ourselves. Sigh.

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