Once home
Anything remembered
Beyond partying
At Stonewall Riots
Fiftieth anniversary?
Given bleak future
Facing transpeople
Those of colour.
Some LGBTQ+ members
Describe the United States
A post-gay nation.
Gay white men achievement
Transphobic hijacking
LGBTQ+ rights movement.
Reflecting social hierarchy
Dominating straight cis-society.
Orthodox thinking/fundraising
Primary focus
Same-sex marriage.
We fought
On the front lines
Demanding the same rights.
Our needs ignored
And questioned.
United States - deadliest country
Behind Mexico and Brazil
Being transgender.
If non-Caucasian
Few remember our passing
Cases unresolved.
To many
Just another dead
Hooker tranny
In a pauper's grave.
Therisa © 2019
Author’s note: By-product of my @50 research, which I often found myself crying at the hostility of the transphobia that coloured American transwomen face, on a daily basis. I do hope that this will change for you, one day soon.
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