Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Giving A Name (October 12, 2018)

I write this
Personal knowledge/experience
(In abundance)
Living with mental illness.

Good days
Never know
Looking at me.

Dark days
Simple things
Near impossible task.

Overcoming barriers/stigmas
Society erected
Seeking help.

Wait lists-year or longer
Many programs
Budget cuts.

Reluctant CBT referral
Fought for it.

And yes
Transphobic psychiatrist
(They exist).

Best intentions
Paved Hell’s Highway.

Tough love-inspiration talks
Veiled personal attacks
Mental/physical character
Mistaken thought-motivating.

Delicate vase
Shatter-wrong word
Talking blocked.

Shunned-wrongly thinking
Typhoid Mary
Infecting everyone.


One in four people
Experience mental illness
Starting early teens.

Statistic-by eleven
Suicide attempt.

Little/no access care
800,000 suicides

Therisa © 2018

Author’s note: On October 10, 2018, I came across The Guardian op-ed that Lady Gaga
and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director-General, World Health Organization)
co-wrote for October 9th edition, marking World Mental Health Day. Here’s the link to
The Guardian op-ed:

For The Record: For most of my life, I have struggled with various mental illnesses, without
realizing myself or those around me. In December 2007, I was officially diagnosed as being
chronically depressed, several anxiety disorders, agoraphobic, justifiably paranoid (I dispute
this, as the psychairist was transphonic) and PTSD. This psychological assessment was
ordered, as part of my application for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), which
supports Ontarians with mental and physical disabilities. My application was approved after
2 months of being received by ODSP. Unusually fast, as they’re traditionally known to reject
applications on general principles. Guess, it helped that I had just come out of a homeless
shelter, in July 2007, when apply for ODSP.

This poem is written for the Poets United’s midweek motif, with abundance, as writing


Susan said...

I'm especially moved by this stanza:
"Delicate vase
Shatter-wrong word
Talking blocked."
Where I'm invited in to the feeling of precariousness. I would speak and walk very carefully. Hard, hard stuff. This poem embraces hard lives for many, not just a few (1 in 4)!

Gillena Cox said...

This is definitely an awareness write. Many people live in cloistered pain. Not willing to share angst with the world. It is good that you use your gift of poetry this way.

Happy you dropped by Therisa

Much love...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I am so glad you write your experiences, Therisa, as so many suffer without being able to voice their struggles. I especially resonate with the wrong words blocking talking. It is so important to have an empathetic therapist, and so difficult to find.

Sumana Roy said...

"Veiled personal attacks" This is the disease of the world. Only a victim is needed. So sad. Also love the 'Vase' stanza.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

To acknowledge one's weaknesses is half the battle won, don't you think?

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